Sunday, August 17, 2008

One day at Newark Penn Station

It was a plesant Sunday morning. I have a relative who lives in Yorktown, NJ. I haven't seen him in years so decided to go to his house. I called him to make sure that he was free and planned my trip very well. I was new to U.S and I wasn't aware the laws and regulations here. I took a PATH train from my home and I was supposed to take a train at Newark Penn station to Ridgefield Park, NJ and My relative had told me that he will pick me up over there.

I purchased the ticket and went to the platform where the train was supposed to come. I learnt from a "Nice" gentleman (some guy wearing a blue shirt) that I missed my train just now and the next train is 1 hr from now. Now that I know I have about 1 hr to waste, I was just "roaming" around in the station. I saw an AMTRACK train coming thought that was a nice scene and took a picture with my camera phone(Yeah I know., ). The next thing I know was, One station worker yelling at me saying I can't do that. I apologized and I told her that I will delete the pic from my phone. Still she wasn't convinced, so I deleted the pic right in front of her. She left, so I thought the trouble was over, not realizing that troble has just begun... Then I thought still I have about 40 mins to waste, I called up my friend in India. while I was talking to him over the phone, a battalion of 15 Port auth. Police men sourrounded me and asked me to get up. (What in the world..).. I wasn't very sure what was going on, Then I realized that the nice gentleman (Guy in blue shirt) was an undercover police officer and they asked me for some Id. Obviously, I wanted to safegaurd my precious passport, so I left it in my home. I didn't have any. After talking to me for a while they realised that I wasn't doing anything, so they decided to let me go.. I was happy then they said I can't take a train because I don't have any ID. Silly me! I tried to explain the pollice officer that Only way I can go home is to take a train from that station. (Later I learnt that if I give about 60 bucks to a cab, I could have went home). Then I called my relative and he drove about an hour to pick me up directly from Penn station..

Lessons Learnt:

  1. For God's sake, don't take any pictures in train stations in US.
  2. Carry a valid goverment issues ID proof always with you wherever you go.

1 comment:

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